Did You Know THIS About Sunburn and Sun Exposure?


Let me begin this discussion by being a myth buster! The myth states, “avoid the sun and use sunblock or sunscreen to avoid skin cancer”.

Summer should be called “SUNmer”. That is because it is the season when most of us are outdoors much of the time and exposed to the sun repeatedly.

Like everything else in the world there are multiple versions and many aspects to consider when learning about the potential harmful effects of sun exposure. So, we will also discuss the perspective of the many positive, even vital factors to it.

The BIG question??  Does being outside in the sun give me vitamin D? By the time you have read this article you will be able to answer that question.

What Is Good Sun?

The sun exposure that would be beneficial for us is 8:30 am to 10:30 am. This is because the rays that are emitted during these hours are primarily ultra-violet rays. Ultra-violet rays stimulate the deep cells of the dermal (skin) layers where the cells known as melanocytes reside. When melanocytes are stimulated, they release a substance known as melanin that is brown in color (pigment) and naturally makes its way toward the more superficial layers of the dermis. This is what is referred to as a SUNTAN.

When the clock approaches 11:00 am most of the sun rays are infrared (BAD SUN) until dusk. Infrared rays have potential to harm because they burn the surface layers of the dermis (skin), depleting the skin of water (hydration) and depleting the body of vitamin D and vitamin A. The skin takes on a red appearance not a brown. This is what is referred to as a SUNBURN. These are the hours when sunscreen/block should be used.

So, it is a mistake to be “hiding” from the sun as so many are advised; even a person with recessive genes (blond & blue) can obtain a fresh summer glow with no skin damage and nice vitamin replenishment.

REMEMBER: Being outdoors when covered in clothes does not increase vitamin D levels. The ‘free’ vitamin D we get from sunshine must shine on skin.

PROTECTION: Sunscreen can be used between 8:30-10:30 am, the sunscreen strength should be less allowing for the penetration of the ultraviolet rays and giving you the vitamins crucial for your body’s health. A company that we recommend is www.kinesysactive.com They have a great variety of strengths and various applications as well as catering to age group preferences.

People with darker skin do not need to apply any sunscreen at all in the morning (except in tropical locations). During the afternoon you need to make sure you are fully covered in lotion and protection from the infrared rays.

If you do get a sunburn or feel a negative affect from the sun, you can apply ALOE with lidocaine. This is available in local stores. Spray is best and can be applied several times each day for symptomatic relief. Sleep and lots of rest is essential for the healing process.

FYI: SUNBURN is one of the most painful conditions, and the subsequent debridement required for the injury to heal properly (no infection with minimal scar tissue) is often more painful than the burn.

There are studies being conducted that have found emotional stresses such as, anxiety, fatigue, helplessness, and acute stress disorder associated with the pain.

From the National Cancer Institute, In 2015, 35.3% of adults aged 18 years and older were sunburned.


Nurture yourself every morning with the warmth of Hashems gift, LIGHT!

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