Why Is My Baby Crying

Why Is My Baby Crying? The Answer May Surprise You

MYTH: A baby that doesn’t stop crying for an insubordinate amount of time is simply spoiled! Some parents and professionals give advice, by saying, “let the baby cry and eventually the child will calm down”. “If you keep picking them up every time they cry, they will be spoiled”.

There is a very common and treatable condition called COLIC. We should start this article off by defining the word colic; It is generally defined as the condition of a newborn or infant who is suffering from intestinal gas. The location of the gas cramps is usually in the colon (large intestine), therefore they are called colic babies from the root word colon. 

Causes for this condition may vary. The first one I would like to discuss with the readers, is that a breast-feeding mother’s diet will affect the baby. Much of the food ingested and digested by the mother can transfer in the breast milk. Basically, any foods that would make the mother “gassy” will affect the baby in the same way. Everyone has experienced this at some point in life. Some examples of foods that will produce intestinal gas are, cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts), beans, legumes (split pea, lentils) and raw vegetables (salad). Don’t get me wrong, some of these foods are the healthiest foods on the planet, but they will usually create gas in the mother and therefore transfer in the breast milk.

The second cause of colic stems from such a common condition that I find and fix daily in my practice and is due to gastro-intestinal (GI) valve spasms. Let me explain a little more with a brief anatomy lesson. The GI tract, which starts at the mouth and ends at the anus (rectal region) is a continuous tube that is thirty plus feet in length. Each of the sections (esophagus, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine) relate to valves made of skeletal muscle. Think of coupling two pieces of garden hose to get the length you need.

These valves are connections or couplings between sections. The location of the four valves are as follows:

  1. The first of four valves is called the cardiac sphincter, which connects the bottom of the esophagus to the top of the stomach known as the neck of the stomach. When this valve goes into spasm it commonly pushes up through the diaphragm (main breathing muscle) into esophagus territory and is typically diagnosed as a “hiatal hernia”. The reason it is named the cardiac sphincter is due to its proximity to the heart but has nothing to do with the actual heart valves.
  2. The second valve as we travel downstream is called the pyloric valve located in the pylorus or end of the stomach connecting it to the beginning of the small intestine(duodenum). Some of the readers may be familiar with an infection that is common to this region of the stomach called, H. Pylori, a discussion for another time.
  3. The third valve which connects the end of the small intestine (ilium) to the beginning of the large intestine (cecum) hence, the name ileo-cecal valve.
  4. The fourth valve has a few names (eustrum, houston, eustonian) connects the sigmoid colon to the rectum. This valve is also of considerable interest in controlling the frequency of bowel movements.

If the spasm creates a valve stuck in the open position there is usually frequent small pieces of stool but if it is stuck in the closed position, it can predispose the child to constipation which can also cause colic, not only from the closed valve but also due to stool that putrefies (spoils) in the gut. This can also happen at the beginning of the GI tract. Basically, if food that is being digested stays in any of these chambers too long it ferments (ages) which gives gas. Same as wine becoming champagne (wine with bubbles).

The third most common cause for intestinal gas is a strained, congested, or inflamed gallbladder. When this happens the bile salts (gall bladder content) do not mix properly with the fats from the milk/formula or food therefore not allowing proper breakdown of the meal.

It is of great interest to note that when gas is trapped in any area of the GI tract it feels like a sharp cutting or pinching sensation, when all it is, is air. This pain can cause considerable discomfort that will cause the baby to cry and fuss constantly.

Bottom line, only a trained professional in the healthcare field can assess the cause. Therefore, the baby needs a proper and thorough examination. No breast-feeding mother should assume that the cause is coming from what she is eating. Colic usually affects children from birth to approximately three years of age or once potty trained. The older the child gets and as the intestines mature, the less of an issue it becomes.

This is a condition that falls under the category of healthcare, not crisis care. Rarely is a medical doctor needed for treatment unless there is an underlying condition. This means that the most successful treatments are; chiropractic, kinesiology, reflexology, and homeopathy. All natural and conservative approaches.

There is no reason why parents should shy away from asking a healthcare practitioner for help. I want to stress that treatment is always best when the CAUSE of a condition is identified and treated, rather than taking “gas relieving” medicine to only give relief of SYMPTOMS (effect) for a temporary amount of time.

I hope the parents who read this article can better understand the approach to take to bring their child to comfort with proper evaluation and treatment. BTW, besides having a happy playful baby, the parents may get more rest.

Sunburn and Sun Exposure

Did You Know THIS About Sunburn and Sun Exposure?


Let me begin this discussion by being a myth buster! The myth states, “avoid the sun and use sunblock or sunscreen to avoid skin cancer”.

Summer should be called “SUNmer”. That is because it is the season when most of us are outdoors much of the time and exposed to the sun repeatedly.

Like everything else in the world there are multiple versions and many aspects to consider when learning about the potential harmful effects of sun exposure. So, we will also discuss the perspective of the many positive, even vital factors to it.

The BIG question??  Does being outside in the sun give me vitamin D? By the time you have read this article you will be able to answer that question.

What Is Good Sun?

The sun exposure that would be beneficial for us is 8:30 am to 10:30 am. This is because the rays that are emitted during these hours are primarily ultra-violet rays. Ultra-violet rays stimulate the deep cells of the dermal (skin) layers where the cells known as melanocytes reside. When melanocytes are stimulated, they release a substance known as melanin that is brown in color (pigment) and naturally makes its way toward the more superficial layers of the dermis. This is what is referred to as a SUNTAN.

When the clock approaches 11:00 am most of the sun rays are infrared (BAD SUN) until dusk. Infrared rays have potential to harm because they burn the surface layers of the dermis (skin), depleting the skin of water (hydration) and depleting the body of vitamin D and vitamin A. The skin takes on a red appearance not a brown. This is what is referred to as a SUNBURN. These are the hours when sunscreen/block should be used.

So, it is a mistake to be “hiding” from the sun as so many are advised; even a person with recessive genes (blond & blue) can obtain a fresh summer glow with no skin damage and nice vitamin replenishment.

REMEMBER: Being outdoors when covered in clothes does not increase vitamin D levels. The ‘free’ vitamin D we get from sunshine must shine on skin.

PROTECTION: Sunscreen can be used between 8:30-10:30 am, the sunscreen strength should be less allowing for the penetration of the ultraviolet rays and giving you the vitamins crucial for your body’s health. A company that we recommend is www.kinesysactive.com They have a great variety of strengths and various applications as well as catering to age group preferences.

People with darker skin do not need to apply any sunscreen at all in the morning (except in tropical locations). During the afternoon you need to make sure you are fully covered in lotion and protection from the infrared rays.

If you do get a sunburn or feel a negative affect from the sun, you can apply ALOE with lidocaine. This is available in local stores. Spray is best and can be applied several times each day for symptomatic relief. Sleep and lots of rest is essential for the healing process.

FYI: SUNBURN is one of the most painful conditions, and the subsequent debridement required for the injury to heal properly (no infection with minimal scar tissue) is often more painful than the burn.

There are studies being conducted that have found emotional stresses such as, anxiety, fatigue, helplessness, and acute stress disorder associated with the pain.

From the National Cancer Institute, In 2015, 35.3% of adults aged 18 years and older were sunburned.


Nurture yourself every morning with the warmth of Hashems gift, LIGHT!

Will Eating Eggs Raise Your Cholesterol

Cholesterol Myth: Will Eating Eggs Raise Your Cholesterol?

MYTH: Eating Eggs will increase cholesterol levels.

This theory is antiquated from research done in the 1970’s. In fact, eating eggs can LOWER cholesterol levels. That is right, lower the cholesterol! How is this possible?

There is a two-fold reason for this, first because eggs contain vitamin A esters which support liver function for good cholesterol conversion and second because it is not about the food as much as the METHOD of preparation. Basically, you can take a healthy food and fry it (eggs, potatoes) and now the nutritional pathways are entirely altered in a negative way.

For those of you restricting your egg intake to the WHITES only, you are doing a major dis-service to your body. The whites only contain protein, which is fine, but the yolk (yellow portion) has every single vitamin and nutrient known to man (except vitamin C) so that is where you can get benefit from this food. Eggs are the only Whole Food that we have. It is an entire being!

Some patients have asked if it is a genetic condition and genetically elevated cholesterol certainly exists, as well as gestational hypercholesterolemia (only elevated during pregnancy). Some patients ask what their diet should be to support good cholesterol levels so that they can be pro-active with their health. Before I inform you of all the good fats to eat let us spend a moment learning about what makes up a cholesterol molecule. There are three basic types known as, HDL (heavy density lipoprotein) LDL (low density lipoprotein) and VLDL (very low-density lipoprotein). The other thing we must understand is triglycerides and how these molecules play into the equation.

HDL “good” cholesterol is derived from whole foods such as, eggs, nuts (not peanuts, which are legumes), olives/olive oil, coconut/coconut oil, avocado/avocado oil and fish.

LDL which has been touted as “bad” cholesterol really is not because some LDL molecules are used for good things like formation of energy molecules called ATP (adenosine triphosphate) and some LDL molecules will behave in a detrimental way.

So, it is a mixed bag, but ALL VLDL cholesterol molecules are “BAD” and can only compromise our health. So, what are triglycerides and where do they affect our fat metabolism? Triglycerides are defined as, The main constituent of natural fats and oils. These fat molecules deal mostly with conversion of carbohydrates to either cheap fuel or stored fat.

Refined carbohydrates are the biggest violators of this especially important mechanism. Most authorities speak about cholesterol and triglycerides, but it should be triglycerides and cholesterol because that is the order that they are formed in the body, not the other way around.

So, looking at this the way most doctors do would be the same as blaming the skid marks for the accident. There are books to read from medical doctors specializing in cardiology that speak the truth about the lack of connection between elevated cholesterol levels and any association with heart disease. In fact, it is much more about liver health than heart health.

Here are some links if you are interested:

If your laboratory did not calculate your VLDL cholesterol here is a simple way to figure it out. Just divide your triglyceride level by 5 and you will have your VLDL level. What is normal? Well, HDL levels should be greater than 45, LDL levels should be less than 125, VLDL levels should be as close to single digits as possible. Triglyceride levels should be around 100 or less. These are optimal levels not average because if you are reading this article then you are not interested in average health, you want more!

When a friend asks, “what is your cholesterol level?” They are speaking of the HDL, LDL and VLDL combined. A person’s total cholesterol can be calculated as 150 plus your age (in years). So, a 50-year-old has a normal total cholesterol level of 200, but now I hope you understand that the type of fat (lipid) molecule creating a ratio is so much more pertinent than the total cholesterol level.

The ultimate questions:

  • How can I check my cholesterol levels?
  • What if my numbers are elevated?
  • Is there such a thing as too low cholesterol and what does that indicate?
  • Does diet, exercise and/or supplementation work?
  • Can I replace my medication with natural products that have NO side effects or adverse reactions?
  • Are cholesterol levels and ratios all based on genetic predisposition?
  • Why does my cholesterol level go up only when I am pregnant (gestational)?

These questions can all be answered. I can be reached at getwell@forsterhealthcare.com or call: (917) 572-1030.

Fever Myths

Fever Myths: Here’s What You Need to Know


If I have it, does it mean I am sick? If I do not treat it, will it keep going higher?

I am back! The Myth Buster!

If someone has fever, it SHOULD be treated (not necessarily right away), and concern over a fever has factors to consider such as, the degree of temperature and the person’s age. Normal body temperature is 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit (37 degrees Celsius).

Here is the eye opener, THE YOUNGER THE PERSON IS, THE HIGHER THE FEVER CAN EXIST WITH SAFETY. That is right, it is the opposite opinion of most physicians. After all I am the myth buster. As a primary health care practitioner for over 35 years, I use 103.5 as the cut-off to shift from using natural means of support (supplements and home care methods) to a less conservative approach of Over The Counter fever reducers/anti-inflammatory medicine (Tylenol, Midol, Advil, Aleve). If the fever continues to escalate with or without febrile seizures or difficulty breathing, an allopathic approach is required with a visit to the nearest hospital Emergency Room (ER).

So… why would the body have fever, what is the purpose? Before I give you the answer, let me ask you another question. Did you ever try to sterilize a baby bottle with cold water? NO! Of course not. Why do we use a flame on tweezers before removing a splinter, why does a self-cleaning oven heat up? I think you get the idea. HEAT KILLS GERMS. That is one of the reasons we cook our meat, fish etc. We all know the potential dangers of eating raw meat or fish.

When a person has a compromised immune system, and there are many reasons for that, they are susceptible and can host an infection if exposed. That is the reason we focus on our patients’ immune system status, not the invisible world of germs which we normally breathe in all day, every day from the moment we are born. The body is created to recognize various organisms and adapt by developing anti-bodies & go through epigenetic changes to adapt and help us continue a path of wellness.

The amazing human body is using this exact same method to heal. By heating up the bloodstream (systemic circulation), your blood will return to a sterile solution. There are areas of the body that are supposed to have germs like the digestive tract (microbiome), but the blood must be sterile. Therefore, if you treat a fever with a pharmaceutical approach too soon, you may be losing out on the benefits a fever offers your body.

If you are not uncomfortable or in pain, there are natural things you can do to make the fever more effective, like chiropractic adjustments, alcohol rub, cool towel rub and supplements. Sometimes the fever goes up a degree or two, but that will sterilize the blood faster and the fever will usually resolve on its own within a day or two.

Should I feed a fever or starve a fever? When a person is experiencing fever, their body is prioritizing an immune response and cannot digest food as usual. We recommend eating light to keep some nutrient intake going but nothing heavy that would put a strain on the gastro-intestinal system. Some examples of easy to digest foods are; cooked fruit (pears, baked apple, compote), scrambled eggs or soup broth.

Sometimes fever is accompanied with diarrhea and or vomiting. I ask everyone the same question. Do you feel better before or after you have diarrhea or vomiting? Of course, better after, almost instantly, so why try to stop it? The body is smart, give it a chance.

What about high fever and brain damage?

As sited in https://medlineplus.gov/:

Brain damage from a fever generally will not occur unless the fever is over 107.6°F (42°C). Untreated fevers caused by infection will seldom go over 105°F (40.6°C) unless the child is overdressed or in a hot place. Febrile seizures do occur in some children. Aug 5, 2018

Febrile seizures do occur in some children. Most febrile seizures are over quickly and do not mean your child has epilepsy. These seizures also do not cause any permanent harm.

Leggett JE. Approach to fever or suspected infection in the normal host. In: Goldman L, Schafer AI, eds. Goldman-Cecil Medicine. 25th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier Saunders; 2016:chap 280.

Nield LS, Kamat D. Fever. In: Kliegman RM, Stanton BF, St. Geme JW, Schor NF, eds. Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics. 20th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier; 2016:chap 176.

Section on Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics; Committee on Drugs, Sullivan JE, Farrar HC. Fever and antipyretic use in children. Pediatrics. 2011;127(3):580-587. PMID: 21357332 www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21357332.

Why do teething babies get fever with NO infection present? The answer to this is another chance to be amazed at Hashem’s creation. The reason is because as a tooth is cutting through the gum tissue which is rich in blood supply and in a germ infested area “the mouth” the body with it’s unmistakable wisdom will turn up the oven in order to try and prevent an infection. There is no infection but there is fever (keeping a sterile environment). That is a good thing!

What society has been programmed to do is immediately administer fever reducing medicine. This usually leads to more ear infections that could have been avoided. With ear infections comes prescriptions of antibiotics which are immunosuppressive and have side effects such as candidiasis (systemic yeast infection) and round and round we go. Unfortunately, some children get so compromised that they require the surgical insertion of ear tubes. This creates scar tissue on the tympanic membrane (ear drum) which may affect hearing later in life.

I hope after reading this article you think about fever differently and will consider a more conservative approach to a condition that is usually more helpful than people realize. 

If you would like to obtain the patient handout for home care with children experiencing fever that we offer at our office feel free to email your request to getwell@forsterhealthcare.com. If you have any questions or concerns and would like my opinion, reach out to: getwell@forsterhealthcare.com or call 917-572-1030.